Friday, March 2, 2018

Here's an update over the pst couple of days. We crossed the white and yellow banks to the Exumas on Wednesday, then made camp in a protected bay behind Highbourne Cay. There is a marina there where we went ashore to their bar for a beer and bought a loaf of local bread, which we had heard about and wanted to try. It tastes like Barb's finnish biscuit without the cardamom, really a nice treat. Going to have French toast with it tomorrow morning. (bad carbs once a week). I worked yesterday, but it was a disaster. Had internet coverage but at a speed that was atrocious, so called it off at noon and moved a couple of miles north to a protected spot between oyster and allen cays. Idyllic spot, but a tourist clippr ship flying the Jolly Roger was anchored in the middle of the channel. As we approached the channel, they fired their cannon at us, surprised the crap out of both of us. We got anchored and went ashore, and watched the reptiles crawling around all over the place. These are apparently prehistoric critters, look like dinosaurs. They were everywhere, a mite disconcerting as they wander down the beach toward you. Last night was a new experience as well. the tide is about 3 feet here with t he full moon. We were anchored in good depth, but the wind switched and at 2:30 this morning, I culd feel something wasn't quite right, Anchor was still set but we hadswung too close to the shore for the tidal drop and I could feel the back of the boat touching the bottom, so we got up and moved a 100 feet to a little deeper water, no big deal. Today we will go on the Exuma sound side of the islands south about 25 miles to the Bahamas Land and Sea Park, a national park, and will hopefully pick up a mooring ball for the next several days and explore the area, it is supposed to be a must stop. It is really going to blow so will likel stay put until Monday or so when it lets up. The Park has no internet access or cell towers, as it is a wilderness area, so will likely be a few days until we can post more pictures.
Engine Hours 4887.7
Genset Hours 5505.3
They shot at us with thier cannon

Tooling back from the liard beach. this is the bay we are at right now

the boat at anchor last evening

lizards everwhere

Having a beer at Highbourne Cay

Liard beach, our boat and the pirate ship in the background

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