Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Lake Huron

We are now in Lake Huron. After an overnight at Grand Marais and a visit to the brewpub there, we departed in the fog to round Whitefish Point, cross Whitefish Bay and anchor in a delightful spot in Waiska Bay. We met nother boat doing the loop at Grand Marais. They had a big Carver they had just bought in Bayfield, but were only running on one engine. They had lost the transmission on one side, and hoped to get it fixe on Lake Michigan someplace. Yesterday we locked through the Soo on the Canadian side. I called them ahead of time to check if we could lock through without clearing into Canada, and they assured me it was fine and that the lock opened at 10 am. We got to the lock and she apologized, but it didn't open until 11, so we had a wait for a bit. It gave me a chance to talk to another boater locking through with us. He was a logger that lived 20 miles north of the Soo. Nice guy and very knowledgeable about boats. After locking through, we were in the St. Mary's river in the afternoon, passing Laker after Laker upbound. Sometimes the channel is only 00 feet wide, so we got up close and personal with a couple of them. midafternoon we tied up at a Michigan state dock on Lime Island, all alone. It's an island that they mined limestone and crushed it to make lime, they stored in kilns on the island. It is all abandoned now and is part of their state park system. There was a great trail system on the island, so we got our exercise in. Today, I think we are moving on to Mackinac Island if they have a slip for us. I hav always wanted to go there.

Larry the cable guy was at the brewpub in Grand Marais, which was a clone nof the Winton Liquor Store
Lime Island Fuel tanks. It had been a refueling stop for Lakers years ago

Good speed on the St. Mary's River

A Laker passing our dock last evening

Docked at Lime Island

Picking aapples at Lime Island

The old school house

Another Laker passing by this morning

Two Lakers passing each other

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